Antiviral drugs: Top 10 of the most inexpensive, but efficient domestic and imported antiviral, immunostimulating drugs for adults and children with descriptions and prices


With the onset of the first colds "opens" the season of respiratory viral diseases. Everyone is sick, from Mala, to Velik. therefore our magazine decided to analyze the market for modern antiviral drugs. And tell your readers everything you need to know about this medication group. We also made up Top best budget funds for different age categories of patients.

What antiviral drugs are most effective?

Viruses penetrate the human body by inhalation through the upper respiratory tract. Antiviral drugs block their distribution. To understand the principle of action of antiviral funds, we turn to biological processes. The virus, falling into the body, is embedded in the cell and actively multiplies in it. Its specific proteins (neuraminidase) depress the ability of the cell to produce a protective substance interferonTherefore, the affected cells are losing the opportunity to resist the virus. As for antiviral drugs, these drugs are divided into groups, and 4 of them can be attributed to the most effective in combating colds.

  1. Antiviral means containing antihistamins and immunomodulators (Anaferon, Arbidol.). Have a chemical impact on the replication of the virus and contribute to the generating of their own interferon.
  2. Means containing interferon (Infpopheron, Alferon). Interferon - This is a natural protein structure, due to which the cells of the body become immune to viral cells.
  3. Interferon inductors (Kagelin, Loveomax). They activate the processes in the body, which awaken the cells to their own generating interferon.
  4. Neuraminidase inhibitors (Tamiflu, Relay). Preparations are depressing neuraminidase (specific virus proteins), which stops its further progression.

10 most effective antiviral drugs: our rating

After studying all market proposals, based on the reviews of doctors and patients, we have drawn up the rating of the most effective antiviral drugs.

Antiviral drug Form release Permitting age and dosage Photo of drug
(Price 180-220 rubles)
Pills Prescribe children from 1 month.
Take on the first day of 1 tablet 6 times a day.
On the second day, the dose to reduce up to 3 tablets.
(Price 280-450 rubles)
Drops and pills for resorption

Prescribe kids:
up to one year - 1 drop;
from one year to 12 years - 5 drops or 0.5 tablets;
Children over 12 years old and adults - 10 drops or 1 tablet.

(Price 180-260 rubles)
Produced both in capsules and pills Assign from three years. Dose:
up to 6 years - 50 mg;
6-12 years - 100 mg;
12 years and older - 200 mg.
(Price 260-340 rubles)
Suppositories for rectal use with different content of the active substance May be prescribed from the very birth of one suppository 2 times a day.   4
(Price 220-240 rubles)
Pills Allowed for the treatment of children, starting in 3 years. It is accepted in the first two days 2 tablets 3 times. Next, two days for 1 tablet three times a day.



(Price 340-400 rubles)
Granules in special tubes With different complexity of the disease, 1 dose per day is prescribed.   6
(Price 60-180 rubles)
Capsules, tablets Allowed from 7 years. The drug is prescribed:
from 7 years to 10 - 2 tablets for a day;
from 11 years to 14 - 3 tablets for a day;
Adults - 6 tablets in the first day, then 4.
(Price 120-250 rubles)
Pills 15 mg of the drug per 1 kg of patient's mass.   8
(Price 1230-1500 rubles)
Capsules, Powder for the preparation of suspension Allowed to kids from 1 year, prescribed depending on the weight of the child. Adults are recommended to take 75 ml twice a day.   9
(Price 170-320 rubles)
Pills Prescribe children from 4 years old:
4-6 years old - one tablet per day;
7-12 years old - 3 tablets per day;
12 and older - 3-4 tablets per day


Immunostimulating antiviral drugs: inexpensive but effective

Immunomodulators call funds that strengthen the protective ability of the body ( immunity), Forcing the body to deal with bacteria and viruses.

In other words, immunostimulants are the same antiviral agents whose action is purposeful to activate the production of antibodies. This happens by impact on immune center in the body. Effective immunostimulants at a reasonable price include:

  • Inhabirin 90. Recommended for manifestations of influenza and ORVI. Especially effective if the treatment has begun in the first two days. The course of therapy inhavirine is up to 7 days.
  • Interferon. Forms of release: powder, which during breeding bursts into the nose and eyes, suppositories , Intramuscular injections. It acts as a prophylactic agent, and in the disease significantly reduces its flow.
  • Amiksin. A potent drug that actively supports immunity for ORVI, pulmonary infections, influenza. Appoint means after 7 years.

As for the treatment of children, the immunostimulating funds in childhood should be prescribed exclusively by the doctor.

Most effective antiviral drugs for children 1-2 years


  • Immunal. The basis of the means - Echinacea, can be found in the form of droplets and tablets. For one year, children are given exclusively drops of 1 ml three times a day with uncomplicated colds. Tablets are allowed from 4 years.
  • Citovir-3. They write out as a preventive agent and as an addition to the main treatment with influenza and ARVI. Assign 2 ml three times a day. Released in the form of a syrup and powder for children. At an older age, let's accept the capsules. The latter are allowed for children after 6 years.
  • Imupret. For children, a solution of 5 drops are used three times a day. The drug was created on herbs and is used as respiratory and viral infections therapy.

The most effective antiviral drugs for children from 3 years

  • Groprinosin. Antiviral medicine for integrated therapy of viral infections.
  • Hiraram. At the heart of the antivirus - sea buckthorn leaves extract. It is available in tablets that need to be taken 1 twice a day.
  • Enhistol. Homeopathic remedy appointed in a complex treatment complex with colds.

Effective antiviral drugs for children 10 years


The age of 10 years can be called transitional, as prohibitions on solid forms of drugs are removed - capsules, pills.

Also at this age can be used in treatment with aerosols. As for the best antivirus drugs, it is necessary to allocate:

  • Ergoferon.
  • Viferon.
  • Inhavirin 60.
  • Fluucid.
  • Keeferon.
  • Orvire.
  • Relay.

Are antiviral drugs effective according to Komarovsky: video

Antiviral drugs for adults: what are the most effective?

As already considered above, antiviral drugs are divided into different groups. The doctor, based on the symptoms present, prescribes a certain form.

An adult man with a cold diagnosis can be assigned:

  • interferon-based drugs, which bring this component from the outside - Cycloferon, viriferon;
  • immunostimulants Their impact contributes to improving its own interferon - Kagole, Tiloron;
  • overwhelming virus itself - IngaVerin, antigripin;
  • preparations of the new generation Peramivir, Releza.

What antiviral drug for older people is the most effective?

ARVI and influenza are quite dangerous diseases for older people. Therefore, long sleep is so important for them and timely balanced meal. Pick up the antiviral agent for an elderly patient should a doctor who considers chronic pathologies, possible problems with heart and pressure. Most often resort to the help of medicinal products of plant origin, as they have the smallest spectrum of side effects. Also, we should not forget about vitamins and trace elements, since the "annoying" elderly organism needs them especially sharply.

For therapy, as well as as the prevention of colds, the elderly appointed:

  • Arbidol;
  • Amixin;
  • Altabor.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

As you know, pregnant women are not recommended to take drugs, but what should I do if the symptoms of influenza or cold appear? Then, without specific antiviral drugs, it is not necessary, since these diseases are a direct threat to a normal course of pregnancy.

It is impossible to appoint an antiviral drug yourself. This should be done by a specialist, given the period and features of the tool.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of antiviral drugs is undesirable, doctors recommend to do folk remedies, but there are cases when you have to contact drug treatment. Most often, women are prescribed Candles Viferon, homeopathic agents such as anaferon or otilloccinum, as well as antiviral drugs Tamiflu or Zanavir.

Domestic antiviral drugs inexpensive but effective

Domestic drugs aimed at combating viruses are not inferior to "overseas" analogues, but the price is significantly less. The most popular and widely discharged domestic drugs include the following:
1.We also recommend paying attention to the table below, it contains analogues of expensive antiviral agents that cost much cheaper.

Antiviral preparations effective for prevention

If we talk about antiviral tools that are able to act as preventive preparations, then it is really possible to attribute to:

  • Anaferon.
  • Orvire.
  • Infpopheron.
  • Viferon.

90% of people who take antivirus drugs during the epidemic period do not face flu and ORVI. And those who still fell ill, the contagious period is shortened.

The most effective prophylactic agent is the vaccination that is done before the start of the epidemic. Do not forget about maintaining immunity with a healthy lifestyle, food, immuno-fixing drugs of traditional medicine.

Antiviral drugs effective for influenza

Really effective means from influenza include the so-called new funds that are present on the market for no more than 10-15 years. Viruses have not yet managed to develop in the active substance of such drugs immunity. These include:

  • Rimantadin. Able to stop the process of reproduction of the virus. The most effective when receiving in the first days of the manifestation of the disease.
  • Relay. This is a powder intended for inhalations, in the complex to it there is a dischecher for inhalation of powder. Releza perfectly copes with the flu viruses of the group A and V.
  • Tamiflu. It is purposefully affecting the viruses that cause the group A and B flu, as well as swine flu.

Antiviral drugs effective for ORVI

Autumn - "favorable" time to develop a cold. ARVI in the autumn-winter period in one form or another is sick to 85% of people. To avoid and minimize the manifestation of the disease, such antiviral agents can be applied:

  • Cyclic amines: Remavir, Rematdin.
  • Vegetable means : Immunoflazide, Altabor, Flavasid.
  • Interferons: Infpopheron, Viferon.
  • Neuraminidase inhibitors: Zanyvir, Omeltamivir.
  • Interferon inductors: Arpeflu, Immostat, Arbivir.

The most effective antiviral drugs with angina

Anguina can also be cured by antiviral. To do this, choose preparations with an extended range of action. In most cases, the doctors write out interferons, as they have pronounced antivirus activity. Due to this property, a painful flora cannot penetrate deep into the soft tissues of the larynx. Effective anti-virus drugs from angina include:

  • Relay.
  • Viborol.
  • Neovir.
  • Immunal.

Antiviral preparations during herpes

Almost all people have herpes virus in their body in the latent state. In some, under the influence of certain reasons, it is activated, and the antiviral drugs occur as it is impossible by the way. To drugs that can "compete" with herpes virus should be attributed:

  • Galavit. This is an immunomodulator who relieves inflammation, while stimulating the protective properties of the body.
  • Isoprosine. Displays for therapy of infectious diseases caused by the virus. Prevents the breeding of the virus.
  • Valtarex. Capacked to block the reproduction of viral cells.
  • Famvir. Basically, they are discharged with herpes slouching.

Effective antiviral drugs: reviews

Julia_Sha: When my children are just beginning to get sick, without antiviral droplets, Derinat never costs. I really like the drug! If you start applying at the very beginning of the disease, then super is effective.

Alexander: During the epidemics, I saved ingaverin. Very quickly puts on his feet. But in my opinion, only adults can be applied. For very busy people, it is convenient to take, just 1 capsule per day. In general, in the treatment of ARVI for me inhaver in the first place.

Mamakatia: Here raised the hype that "Ferrons" is useless, only pumping money from the population. I have three young children, and on my own experience I will say that otilloccinum and Anaferon simply get out very much. What I just did not try, but these preparations are 100% help in the treatment of ARVI. If they started to give the drug in the early stages of the manifestation of the disease, it is possible not to break through, we continue to go to the kindergarten, the temperature is a maximum of one day, if you are a little late, then you still go to the hospital, but the virus is moved markedly and faster on the amendment. There is always in my first aid kit.

Lisa Alice:And I treat the syrup of Orvim. It helps very well if I'm not mistaken, months from 3 months can be given, instantly the virus retreats.


How to treat flu and ARVI in children: the causes of the appearance, symptoms, therapy and the prevention of influenza and ARVI in the child

How to quickly knock the temperature of 39 in an adult at home: what pills, injections and folk remedies to knock down a high temperature with an adult with a cold, angina, poisoning?

What should I do if the child keeps the temperature 38 without symptoms? What are the reasons if it is necessary to shoot down and the most effective antipyretic drugs at high temperatures in children

Rotavirus infection in children: symptoms and a list of effective antiviral drugs for treating at home, diet and child care when rotavirus infection for the doctor Komarovsky

About the author


  1. Scary in the pharmacy it becomes, every day something new appears. Already for several years only Inhavirin I use, the therapist was acquainted, said that there is from the fact that there is in pharmacies, the most effective means. Just not conveniently a bit, for a son and for us with her husband, there are some kind of packages to buy, but we are ill with him more than more than once a year.

  2. Valeria ON.

    Once sheeps very much. And angina, and runny nose-all at the same time. The doctor advised to adopt ergoferon in tablets. Says one packaging quite on the course enough. It comes up as they say, "from everything." And indeed, the next day it became easier. Further according to the scheme, I was given myself, I felt myself. Now I recommend it all.

  3. I can tell me something rarely, lucky, but still happens. In such cases, we save folk remedies: tea with honey, hot bath, inhalation (breathing above potatoes), I trust only Inhavirine from the tablets. Conveniently, drank a tablet in the evening and the next morning you're already in the ranks, and a week later, several days at all like a cucumber.

  4. It is a pity that there is no such means that the whole family can be taken to recover and at the same time so as not to get sick.

  5. I have a child from school constantly brings all basses home! Barely survived the first class. Now I know that if someone begins to get sick-need to urgently give it inhabirin. Only one capsule per day and no one will go to the hospital and the study will not miss.

  6. Only the "dark" person does not know the magic of ergferon now)) we all we treat this antiviral family!

  7. On vacation to the safety net I take ergoferon and a p hosthouse any in the throat. If there is a disease, then after the first use, it becomes easier to breathe, the headache passes, ts not rises.

  8. Michael ON.

    Become begins with unpleasant, pacifiers who have not been tested by anywhere.
    There were no tests, the tests in the people all the more. Sold only in several CIS countries.
    Well, we have a simple people that they will show (say) that eats.

  9. To wash hands! The mucous membrane is irrigated for moisturizing and cleansing so that the microbes do not penetrate, because On dry mucosa, they quickly penetrate. Nose to smear ointment Viferon. Standard methods that I have known for a long time I use it and it helps it very well.

  10. Anastasia ON.

    All these "... Farons" have an action, but also involve the body to themselves, immunity begins to be lazy and waiting for this aid of farons, as a result, more often, it turns out a vicious circle. Passed through it with a senior child. Now, if only I give vitamins to help immunity twice a year, like Multivitamins in the form of marmalands Baby Formula of the Bear, the composition is good, the price is not translated. And the children are rare now.

  11. In order to protect yourself, it is necessary daily 2-3 times a day to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose of the ointment of Viferon, especially before entering the street. I usually do it.
    Of course, in addition, it would be nightly to drink vitamins, to make your immunity work.

  12. My assistant tea Oral Flu tea. It makes it easier to experience the cold, coping with all the manifestations of the church, the swelling of the nose, the temperature, the headache. It is significantly lower than its competitors. The composition is ascorbic acid, natural juice lemon and ginger extract. Do not contain sugar. With diabetes, you can not be afraid.

  13. Zinaida ON.

    I try in advance, at the end of the autumn ropting a course of curcumin in capsules from the Anti-Age series. This is a good strengthening of immunity, the protection of the body from viruses and bacteria. I consider it better to carry out prevention than to spend considerable money for medicines and have undermined health.

  14. I have a flu treatment consists of complex therapy: tea with honey and lemon, inhalation, antiviral ergoferon, which does not give the disease leaks further. Nothing is no longer required, the symptoms are quickly going to no, and there will be no trace of a trace soon from the painful state.

  15. Christina ON.

    Ergoferon got used to being treated. He never sick with him for a long time. The next day I feel much better.

  16. Ekaterina ON.

    Of course not included in this list, but I advise you inhavirin, but I'm even slightly lowered to you, but quite very effective, I have repeatedly cut off when picking a different virus

  17. Ekaterina ON.

    The article is very big, interesting, it's all great. But I ruined-Rycals and my favorite drug did not find - I am about ergoferon! Now it's never in such articles and very in vain, the means is very effective!

  18. I am at ARVI ergoferon the therapist prescribed. I can't say anything bad to the expense of him, quickly removed the symptoms of the disease, it was sitting on a hospital for a couple of days.

  19. Sitizen ON.

    Anaferon none normal, not interested, the evidence-based effectiveness does not pass. Exactly the same composition is also in ergferon. Viferon and Genferon deliver interferons from outside and used in Europe for the treatment of oncology, hepatitis B and C. When appointing all farons, it is necessary to investigate blood for neutropenia - reduced neutrophils. If it is available, in no case cannot drink these drugs, as they suppress their own immunity by the interferon bid. The author of the article did not work as hard as this text, but stupidly wrote it all ...

  20. The best way is not to hurt this prevention - drink vitamins all year round, especially on our middle lane. Food products do not contain a sufficient amount of the necessary daily rate of vitamins and minerals, not to mention the fatty acids of omega 3, which in turn actuate the negative barrier Environment, (but also vitamins of course you need to choose with the mind without relying on the flashing advertising). It is more often to air the room and be in motion (walking is the safest and most affordable type of physical activity). Well, if possible, at least once a year to the sea (drink cells with sea air). I adhere to these rules and I advise you and I don't care.

  21. I usually accept the inflocide in the first days of a cold. It helps me well. I am right the next day I feel better.

  22. Stepan. ON.

    And I usually accept Inhavirin at first symptoms of the disease, and not one tablet, and immediately 2. I was so the doctor advised.

  23. I really like Inhavin, until I led. But only it is necessary to drink it immediately, without waiting for, when they are completely silent. Then it helps just in-al-cha and tel!

  24. We have been saved by Derinat and children in the garden / school and their husband and her husband went to work with him. Feather well in the first days of illness.

  25. I noticed that with the arrival of autumn, I begin to hurt. And more than once, but with frequent periodicity, the work does not allow me to root as often as I pain. And the girlfriend advised me to use Derinat spray, I always thought it was from a cold, and in fact it was literally a caustious wand with any cold. For about a month I use it, and while hold. I am very pleased with this spray.

  26. Katrina ON.

    Sometimes it is difficult to disassemble which cough in a child, so it is better to give preference to universal drugs such as Gedelix, they work well with any kind of cough, in contrast to the same Pastille, for example

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